Being Fashion Nasty isn't ONLY about what you wear, it is about WHO you wear (it with). Love/a one night fandango with Scatman Joe comes in many shapes and sizes, and as a woman of taller stature (5'11"), I prefer my men size (s)extra small aka you can try me on for size!
I'm sure i'm not the first gal to say size REALLY does matter. The vertically challenged male can always lure me into doing the horizontal mambo #5. The best I ever had was 5'5 with (mickey) blue eyes, he climbed my tree, picked my apples, cut me down (TIMBERRRR!!!!),picked me up and carried me home! I have never been the same...
Jessica Rabbit Syndrome - We are not talking about bestiality (unless you add some of my exes into the equation...). This syndrome is when you are a TALL AMAZONIAN BABE who likes SHORTER MEN. We want short guys to Roger our Rabbits and un-toon us. My rendezvous with men taller than myself (and there have only been a handful) have always resulted in dissapointment (aka sin orgasmo).
Having sex with a tall guy is like having sex with the BFG (including slow fumbling,drooling and his dick is NEVER as big as (you expected) his feet and I have proven this problem scientifically by examining a man's Brain to Dick distance (BDd). Tall guys (over 5'9) BDd>short guys (under 5'9) BDd which leads me to conclude that short men are biologically better in bed and needless to say have better "hand thigh coordination" (There is a reason why all gymnast(ies) are short).
From my wide range of (s)experiences I can ultimately conclude that shorter men (unless they have an A$IAN FETI$H) are better lovers, more eager to please a woman and most importantly want to become a member of your mile thigh club...
Paris - how are you STILL the HBIC???!!!
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