Friday, July 24, 2009


ARE YOU FOR REALZ.COM!!!! Ughhhhhhh this little Hare cruncher Krishna might as well have been spotted on the corner of Block and Busted with the original SCATMAN for all i know. I am becoming enlightened from just looking at this FN crunchburger on his goddamn cell phone- from his shiny bald head right down to his fucking Mandals - what a man, what a man, what a man, what an (all)mighty good man! Does he really think he can get away with this just because of his crimson (wave/and clover) robe-which by the way makes me wonder, do Hare Krishnas wear underwear? All I can say is that when he dies I hope he is re-incarnated into a Leotard (waynes world -anyone?)so I can wear him on stage at my next Hustler gig (turning trix), so I can make my broke ass some money to pay for my 5th edition of the Bhagavad Gita I will be guilted into buying next time i see one of these guys.

Robyn aka Joyce Burger

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