Friday, July 31, 2009

(G)Literally OBSESSED

Is it a girl? Is it a boy? Is it a chick con un dick? NO beotchez... IT IS MARIAH!!!!!!!!! I always knew this bitch had it (a peen) in her, this little Drag King is confusing my sexuality 169%. Supposedly Mariah is crossdressing and playing a stalker for her New Music video OBSESSED... could this get any better. Si se puede. WHY IS SHE SO FINE??????
This makes me GLAAD
shooting rainbows forevs
Robyn C>

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Fashion Nasties have an unhealthy obsession with shoving burgers (and all the fixuns-if you catch my drift) in our joker-faces. Buns+Meat=the only sexual experience we can buy for under five dollars (and we aren't complaining). All we want to do is shake your milk with our 9 inch straw, we want to double double YOUR d(p)ecker, animal style, with fries. We want to squirt MANnaiseee all over your fish taco McGangbang, and...if YOU like it then you can put an onion ring on it.
Apparently this burg-mania is crossing borders (state borders) as you will, and we went South to (s)explore every nook and cranny of this phenoManA.
Let's start with this little gem:

How much money do we need to pay to eat that Assburger?! But before we sink our teeth between those juicy buns, we demand a discount! There is no doubt in our minds that there is going to be a hair or two in that juicy little morsel...and no one wants to be remembered as the tranny with the pube stuck between her pearly whites.

We will obviously sleep with you on the first date... but if you take us to this burger bed it is a guarantee that we will drop trou within the first five minutes-with the lights on - even if you are John Gosselin.

we spoke too soon - this photo was just leaked of Johnny G's and our burger baby...

This is so fucking Fashion Nasty. Does this come in XXXL?

Speaking of XXXL - Queef Latina is opening up a FATBURGER in MIAMI We always have a place in our he(f)art for this burger butch.


RIDE OR DIE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone knows where this Mechanical Burger (s)exists -please email us at As soon as we find the destination of this hidden tr(pl)easure we will take our Yacht to the nearest port, dock our ship - and fly our private jet to that littler joy ride. We will ride that mother crunker bareback until the sun don't shine no mo'...This is a full package (emphasis on package) deal - so it's ALL or nothing folks...

love you like a sista

Glitta Nacion

Friday, July 24, 2009


ARE YOU FOR REALZ.COM!!!! Ughhhhhhh this little Hare cruncher Krishna might as well have been spotted on the corner of Block and Busted with the original SCATMAN for all i know. I am becoming enlightened from just looking at this FN crunchburger on his goddamn cell phone- from his shiny bald head right down to his fucking Mandals - what a man, what a man, what a man, what an (all)mighty good man! Does he really think he can get away with this just because of his crimson (wave/and clover) robe-which by the way makes me wonder, do Hare Krishnas wear underwear? All I can say is that when he dies I hope he is re-incarnated into a Leotard (waynes world -anyone?)so I can wear him on stage at my next Hustler gig (turning trix), so I can make my broke ass some money to pay for my 5th edition of the Bhagavad Gita I will be guilted into buying next time i see one of these guys.

Robyn aka Joyce Burger

Thursday, July 23, 2009

GAY 4(play)

Nothing screamed (in falsetto) Fashion Nasty as loud and proud and long and strong as the hot tranny wrecks we were on gay pride AKA OUR FAVORITE HOLI-GAY...NOTHING. We were a fistfull of love/dollars (emphasis on fist) after 200,000 queens/butchies saw our toasty little burger buns romping around hudson st. in our Mary Kate and Laura Ashley jump suits. The taste of rainbow still lingers in our mouths.

...after I gave The Hamburglar the good Ol' college try...and broke the chair

Georgie O'QUEEF

Friday, July 10, 2009

YOU R The FA$HI(st)ON to MY NAzzTI

Glitt(clit)(h)er Nation saluted our shorts on the 4th to the BIG O(mr.big)(orgasm)(Obama) you choose -as in what happened when we all reunited, IT FELT SO GOOD "that's what she said"... We were seriously bummed about the death of one of the GREATEST SKATMEN of ALL TIME - ED Mcmahon(burger)... JUST KIDDING I am talking about MJ aka Jacko aka Michael Jackson... aka our real birth father. So we drowned our sorrows in 2 buck chuck(emphasis on CHUCK)(once again taking the Trader Joe's challenge...and showing the man who is boss) and proceeded to participate in a mormon ritual called celbiate polygamy with one another. We all proceeded to scissor until the sun went down and got preggers with Glitter babies. Then we bathed in a pool, met the real Skatman Joe, got some temp tats, skat on sum raw burgers anymal style, made friends with Foxy Brown's cousin and had a Birth of a (Glitter)Nation...aka discovered the newest member of glitter nation the Panty LiOness...
The weekend was so epic that I decided to Cumpile a FIVE AHLIVE, of fashion Nasty DO-Doo's to celebrate your CUNT(ry's) INDIEPEENIEDANCE

5. DO

...then wash their car....

...then wax their car with your hoooooohaa

4.GET A TEMP TAT (one of these is actually rizealll)



1. MAKE YOUR PANTY LINES VISIBLE (that goes without saying)

THat's what she said...

-Robyn Cradles

Monday, July 6, 2009


Dear Fa$hioni$taz,

Happy belated FOURTH OF JULY. I'm sorry we didn't update sooner- I for one have been passed out since Saturday, only to awake so I could vomit in a Trader Joe's paper bag that was next to me through the night, thanks to my BFF4EAEAE the one and only HAMBURGULAR. xoxo

I hope your Fourth was as NA$TY as mine. After a few bottles of Two Buck Chuck, half a pack of cigarettes, some racial slurs and 2 hits of a joint, I was the na$itiest HBIC on Douglass Street.

There are about 10,000 pictures from this epic weekend, and they will be brought to you ASAP by the other members of GLITTERNATION.

I am at work, about to stream some footage of MICHAEL JACKSON'S memorial service (RIP PYT) and play some solitaire.

Thanx for the memories.


Panti Lioness