Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Fashion, The Nastiest... The Double Double Animal Style with FRIES

A Fashion Nasty Lifestyle is ALL ABOUT THE MEAT... more importantly the MAN MEAT... but when we can't get our hands on a double dose of juicy meat, tender buns and a nice creamy sauce to top it all off (...and if we are lucky maybe even a toy or two...), we have to settle for the next best thing - A Happy Meal. Just like a man a Happy Meal is cheap, easy, and fills you up GOOD... the only down side is that once you are through with it you can't wait to get it out of your system! So when you are thinking about the next time you are going to do it doggy style, we are sitting around thinking about when we are going to get it double double ANIMAL STYLE WITH FRIES

Afterall U and ME baby Ain't Nothing but MAMMALS...

until next time,


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